in the house!!!
Here it is the 3rd incarnation of Colossus hits the stands next week. You can buy it at any comic book store and or at Amazon on line. New cover ( for avid collectors who want all three) new lettering by Sean Konot, new Title ( cause I can't afford to compete with Marvel comics legally- but that is for another blog) The book is totally awesome.
kicks butt!!!. So go out there fans tell your friends buy them all up so we can run another print run, perhaps even several so they'll be enough interest to do Tales of Colossus the movie!!!!!
Mandrews out

Mandrews out

Nice very Mignola.
William Wray---kinda'....take a look inside. out this coming wed.
I absolutely love it when Grimon tries to jump into the moat after being burned by the hot oil from Colossus, only to be speared and ripped back onto the bridge to melt in pain. You sick thinking individual. Awsome!
bustedacres---- Not much longer heh heh. See if you cant get it sooner from amazon and let me know.
Idiot Circus Boy ----- awesome. much thanks. Colossus t shirts huh..... i got some left what size are you and where do I send it.
steve----Ya know, a metal constrcuts gotta do what a metal constructs gotta do- Grimon needed a greusome end. That was my only motivation heh heh.
jparrott-----Fantastic!!!! I'll put you on the list. That was fun at E'xpressions. Hope you liked the lecture.
mandrews out
Idiot Circus Boy--- Nah no worries- i'll send one over with Raul. What size.
Colonel Moustachio----- i have no idea, get to the comic book stores this wed/thursday and get one with your own two hands I guess. Thats wild, 3-6 weeks for delivery. Even I would go crazy.
Mandrews out
yeah man, welcome to the IMAGE family! broke, but good.
hey you gonna be at Seattle-CON in april?
hope the book does well, ill pick up the new copy (ill have all 3 now) and give it a nice plug/review on my BLOG to promote it.
i feel an Eisner coming your way next year.
I read the second print of "Colossus". Awesome work! Dramatic and powerful = Norm loves it! I haven't seen "One Man Band" yet. Is it going to play before Cars?
Also, your story pitch on the Samurai Jack season 2 DVD was very inspiring. You rule!
Ov!----Thanks fellow Image brother. as for coming up to Seattle con Its a no go. Im to busy on this new movie Im working on. Pedal to the metal. You are one of the few who have all three. So I salute you.
Thanks for th eplug on the blog.
An Eisner???? I don't know....
bustedacres---- get well soon. Enjoy the book.
Norm----Im glad you love it norm. Yes OMB will be infront of cars. lemme know what you think. I love on the Samurai Jack season 2 dvd how they run the show right alongside the pitch. I also like the crossdissolve time lapse editing to keep me at speed. heh heh
Mandrews out
I can't say enough good things about this book, Mark, I'm so glad it's finally out, it's like the end of this long process and it was totally worth it.
Seeing it today at Comic Relief was like coming full circle from the first time I bought it, the book is still awesome! Congrats!
Rock on brother, talk to you soon,
Mark, the two versions that you put out already have some differences between them... is that the case here too? Any additional pages or edits?
Mark, I'm proud to say that I've got the VERY first edition of Colossus when you were still teaching at Calarts! Can't wait to pick up this edition!
technogreek---- yeah its an awesome book. It turned out exactly like I had originally intended. Thanks to you. Can't wait to see how it does.
rock on!!!!
Jamie Baker- differences are- cover- back cover-new lettering-better stock paper- better in fact superior printing- not tomention a collectors item if yo have the other 2. buy yours today.
chris chua- that seems like a lifetime ago- why wait go pick your own cpy up today DO IT NOW!!!!
Mandrews out
You've got mail!
-Rohit, INDIA
Bought it, read it, loved it.
Man i've been waiting to get a copy for a while, the comic store had to wait for a new shipment coz they were SOLD OUT.
Awesome work Mark. Inspirational
Cant wait to see OMB
Hey Mark!!! I bought it!!! It looks great! Love the pin-up section!!! Congratulations on a great looking book!
John S.
Mark, I just discovered your blog! Nice work man!
STU----- awesome man keep checking in.
mandrews out
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