Hell I was as surprised as you when my good buddy Scott Morse called me and told me his pals at

Is that not cool or not!
The book will be exactly the same- BUT BETTER- it will have better paper and perhaps for the

So thats it. Keep on the look out cause Ive hit the main stream in mighty morphin comic quality atomic powered publishing... that would be

heres a little something- a tease for the up coming short story I'll be doing in AFTERWORKS 2

Mandrews out!
WOW!! Thats fantastic news Mark! Yesterday the Comic Stores, Tomorrow the book stores and next thursday the world!!!
Nice teaser image of the short your doing for Afterworks 2. It looks like it's going to be very excited.
Man that is so great! I feel lucky to have gotten the version at Comic Con. Now I'll have to get the Image version too. My copy is getting a little dog eared. By the by, NINJAS ROCK!!!! As we used to say in the old D&D club " the ninja iiiiiisss a weapon". ( said in a Mako-like voice:)
Luxo jr---- maybe not the world but damn close huh. I am excited about doing a short story it will be fun. I haven't done anything except that opening image so now its all research research research.
Rob a----- Ninja do rock-- hell I even played one way back when I played D&D. This will be my tribute to the 'silent interlude' issue of GI Joe.
Mandrews out
Sweet!!! Congratulations Mark! I already have the last edition you published, but throw in a fat section of concept art and I'll buy the next one too! By the way, I've been posting some concept art and a few storyboards on my sketchblog, please check it out and comment if you ever get a chance.
Paolo Pace--- awesome!!!
Daveau82----I'll see what I can do... potentialy a new cover. I'll check out your blog Dave-cool
Mandrews out!
I can't wait for this...! I've been dying to get my hands on TOC... and now I can...! Congratulations on landing the book with IMAGE.
Mike Wieringo---- Thanks man. watch for it and let me know what you think
Mandrews out
Mark - love your artwork! Look forward to next Annecy...
Alex----- as do I Alex as do I.
Mandrews out
Congratulations Mark!!!
I will indeed be buying the Image version.
Could you put a few more cool extras in the new version? Like a few concept sketches? An in depth story about where the idea came from? Hmm? Howboutit?
Anyway, this is great news!
Jsanford----- Yeah I will think about those fine suggestions, turn a 224 pg tome that weighs 2 lbs into a heavier tome that weighs hell maybe 3lbs huh? huh? whatayathink? I might be able to accomidate you.
Mandrews Out!
Nice work Mandrews, that is exciting news even if I already bought the book at SDCC. You and Luxo are correct in thinking that publishing through Image is a portal to world domination. If Napoleon or Mussolini had Image comics back in the day, it would be a different world... a different world indeed.
Look foreward to your Afterworks 2 story.
Make it 3 and a HALF pounds and you got a deal!
great art work
Jsanford86--- Ill see what I can do. Can I add a steel gauntlet to the book?
St John Street---- Thank you sir. I appreciate the response.
Mandrews out
Mark, much congrats!! Will you be at WonderCon?
John Nevarez---- hey John, honestly I dont know yet. I may be.
Mandrews out
Congrats Mark! Your work ethic is astounding, but that seems nothing new for all the talent at Pixar.
I finally managed to pick up the first Colossus a few months back at a local comic shop and enjoyed it immensely. The pin-ups are a blast, especially Mignola's. Looking forward to getting a copy of the new version of the book.
I also enjoyed seeing your work on The Incredibles DVD. I can see why Brad brings your energy and talents to each project. We've linked our Luxo readers over here as well. So keep blogging if you have the time!
Chad Kerychuk---- hey thanks for dropping a line. Glad you liked the Old version of Colossus whait till you see th enew version. As long as there is an internet I will blog.
Mandrews out
What a great opening shot. I'm digg'in the new colored book. Congrats on IC.
Gerald---thanks man. Im just starting to get into roughing out ideas and doing reference drawings and stuff. Looking to establish a look as well.
Mandrews out
Now that's what I'm talking about my WC brother!! Sweeeeet drawing!
Is there anything you CAN'T do???
Hi to you brother too!
ps now go kick out 500 straight punches!
GREG MANWARING ----500 punches completed boy am I tired. God to hear from you Manwaring. Thanks for the complements of course you probably wont see the Ninja story until Afterworks3- but until then you go work the wodden dummy until its a pile of Kindling- I'll pass on the message to my bro
Larry Hamma---- yes sir Larry all on the wonderful Wacom. crazy huh. I love it. Is this the famous Larry Hamma of comics fame??!!! If it is I love your stuff. hell grew up reading it. Say hey to Michael Golden for me you're heros of mine.
GO JOE!!!!
If not sorry you'll pardon my speculaton-
Mandrews out
Larry Hama ----Roger that Larry! Say hey to Camp I love that guy. i've heard Golden is a tiny itsy lil bit of a recluse but I can dream! Hey I never would have guessed You'd pop in on my blog. what an awesome treat. Thanks for the compliments I love your work-how many times can I say it. So here's to F-18's in high G manuevers!!!! Hoo Wha!!!!
I'll send you a copy of my TPD Colossus.Its being published by image. Its not fighter jets but you might like it. Email Mandrews @
Mandrews out
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