On Sale in Bay Area!!!
Thats right true believers!!!!( ala Stan Lee my hero) Colossus, for those of you who could not go to San Diego for the ComicCon can now find Colossus and other E-ville Press titles at limited comic stores in the bay area. In San Francisco ISATOPE and SUPER 7 have them and in the bay area DOCTOR COMICS. For those of you who don't live up this way do not fear I am currently investigating distributers and looking into online sales. Also, E-ville Press will be having its own dedicated web site up soon with links to all the E-ville press guys ( my fellow co-workers who also did comics this year for Con -safety in numbers) and this web site will have artist gallery sections and links to on line purchasing of our books and much much more. So keep checking back for updates.
Heres some roughs from Colossus for you...enjoy.
Mandrews out!

Heres some roughs from Colossus for you...enjoy.
Mandrews out!


Hi Mark!
This is Dave Au, one of your ACME storyboarding products. Thanks for your comments on my portfolio at comic-con, and thanks for saving my signed copy of Colossus when I stupidly left it at your booth!
I've had teacher after teacher tell me that the storyboard sample I showed you (the skateboarding one) was my best work, but no one offered me any ways to further improve on it until I showed it to you. I'm working on the revisions now, and hopefully you won't mind my showing them to you when I'm done.
Thanks again, I love the book!
Hey Shine!---Paypal is perfect, you will be able to get a copy from http://www.evillepress.com/ were working on a website that will have galleries and.... well you read the blog.... or did you just look at the pictures like i do.
heh heh
Daveau82---- Hey man I'd love to see your stuff once revised. I look at a lot of protfolios and samples of peoples work and they want critiques... i have to be honest and sometimes it hurts but its not helping you or anybody else if I am anything less than truthful. Glad you liked the book, and keep exercising those storyboard muscles...I still am.
Hello Mark,
I leave on the other side of the continent so it was kind of hard making it to comic-con. Is there anyway I can purchase this, I am really into your story and art and would love to read it. I tried the evillepress link but it sent me to the contents of the site. Well thanks, keep up the good work and hope to hear from you.
Hey Shawn---- sorry about the e-ville press page its still the works. Send me your address and 20$ and i'll hook you up.
email me at Shazar@sbcglobal.net
with your info
Hey Charles---- no that was in Mammoth ca just after a two hour snowmobile ride. i was hot and needed to cool off.
WOOOWWW!!!! I want a copy!!!! AAWWGGGHHH!!!!!
Hey Sandra----keep checking back for updates on how to get a book. Or email me with your address and we can work out a way to get you one.
Wow they are awesome pictures! You are very very talented. I eagerly await http://www.e-villepress.com so i can purchase a copy of Tales Of Colossus full of your talent!
Hey, I can't wait to check out the full book, but in the meantime, I greatly appreciate the samples and rough prints. I'm no artist, but I really admire the craft that goes into it, and it's something that really interests me. Over the last week or so I've been marveling at all the preproduction sketches in the Art of The Incredibles book. I'll wait for the E-Ville site to go up to grab Tales of Colossus for ease, but I look really forward to it.
On another note, I have to say that I'm insanely jealous that there are members of the public that have had the opportunity to see One Man Band and I'll have to wait until June. Yet another one of your projects I can't wait to see.
Lastly, I've gotta give major kudos for all the fantastic work done on past things I've loved, from Jonny Quest and Samurai Jack to The Iron Giant and The Incredibles. Keep it up!
Mark!!! I got it last friday! Thank you so much!
It is AWESOME! Great work! Congratulations!
And Thanks again!
I may call you with some questions about execution. Is that cool?
Luxo Jr--- So do I ...so do I
Dan---Well I thank you kindly for the praise. Its all hard work but its fun as well. Keep checking back for updates on getting Colossus on line.
JSanford--- Glad you dug it. Call me anytime.
Mandrews out
Hey Mark,
My name is Matt and I am a comic artist, who was at SDCC this year, but it gets so big that you miss so much. I am terribly upset that I missed the chance to pick up your book (mainly because I was trying to get my book picked up at the Speakeasy booth).
When I first came across this little blog/site I was intrigued, mainly because of the style and the content. I will be trying to check into here on at least a weekly basis, hoping for an update.
Hope everything is going well, and cannot wait to get a chance to pick up your book!
Comicpencil------ Sorry you missed the table. SDCC is massive I barely got to get up and walk around to see it all. As for up dates I wouldnt check iin every week, sad to say my day job is going to keep me busy so I wont be posting stuff as much as I'd like. Ah well.... No rest for the wicked.
Warren I------ Thank you! Glad you liked the book.
Mandrews out
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