This is all you get!!!
That's right true believers the last of the rough Pgs for my short story submission to AFTERWORKS2. Based on the actual experiences of an F-18 Naval aviator ( and best pal) when he was 'In counrty' in Iraq.
This is all I'm going to leak out because I don't want to spoil anything.
As the color comps are done I'll post those too.
By the way Robert Kondo will be doing the color- He rocks!!!!! I'm very lucky that he agreed to help. You may remember Kondo's work in the first afterworks.
Check him out.
Anyway on to the roughs. Enjoy
Mandrews out

This is all I'm going to leak out because I don't want to spoil anything.
As the color comps are done I'll post those too.
By the way Robert Kondo will be doing the color- He rocks!!!!! I'm very lucky that he agreed to help. You may remember Kondo's work in the first afterworks.
Check him out.
Anyway on to the roughs. Enjoy
Mandrews out

Your roughs have incredible energy to them! Best of luck with AFTERWORKS2, Mark!
The pages look bitchin, Mark!
love that sound effect.
great pages man.
i like the panel with the plane framing the tower. nice comp. cant wait to see it finished.
Those Hornets make me want to join the Navy.
Smook---- Thanks man I'll do my best
TSM---- sound FX my specialty- I love yours too.
Edog--- Thanks man, I cant wait either- wait till you see the color OOooOoooweeeee.
Ov!----thanks man. I love that shot too. Had fun drawing it. Buzzing that close that sniper wold be deaf heh heh.
Jim m---Me too man me too.
Chewbaccapits---Thanks man. Now I get to put that on my business cards, how cool is that.
Mandrews out
Mark, make sure you post the final pages would be interesting to see these progress! Keep 'em comin!
chris chua---- hey Chris I will but not all of them gotta give you public something to buy.
Mandrews out
Nice pages yo! I like the roughness of them and hope you don't clean them up too much. Congrats on the Oscar. Kilt or no kilt when you accept? ;-)
Skribbl ----- uh... kilt! heh heh
Mandrews out
Great action and storytelling! You rule the skies!
These are great Mark! I'm with skribbl, try to keep them a little rough.
Congrats on the Oscar nom, dude!!!
If you win, you gotta say something crazy like "Gearge Bush doesn't care about black people" or "Gamera is a friend to all children".
UrbanBarbarian---- Thank you sir thanks you
RoboTaeKwon-Z----- Thanks man I don't know how rough I'll go actually clean up will be more or less like Colossus- but i agree I will make great efforts not to lose the energy- as far as the awards IF we win I don't know what will come out of my mouth- you'll just have to watch and see, heh heh
Mandrews out!
Grat drawing, power and storytelling, looking foward to the finish.
william wray---- me too. Thanks for the kudos.
Mandrews out
Hi Mark.
I'm a big fan of yours. I'm an animtion and design student in India.
I've been following your work ever since I saw you on The Incredibles DVD that I have.
As part of our semester, we have a comic book workshop of three weeks during which we have to create a comic book.
I'm just starting out with my concept. Taking inspiration from you, I've made a blog - - not for others, but mainly for myself to keep me at it.
Man! I wish I had a Cintiq. But for now, I think my pencil, paper and scanner will have to do.
I also wish I had a copy of COLOSSUS. I doubt I'd find one here in India.
I tried mailing you a long time ago. I don't think you got my email. Could you send me your email address?
Again, great work! I'm always on this blog looking for new stuff. Keep it up.
Rohit Iyer
A Fan From India
Dynamic work! Very expressive and inspiring. Love the Colossus stuff, too.
I love flight sequences...these are amazing!
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