Really Really Really Rough
The way I like it.
Okay so you twisted my arm. i'm just in the preliminary stages of figuring out this short story for AFTERWORKS 2- its going to be an anthology by a lot of very very very talented artists- then me. And... Its all going to be in color. Since I knew poop about color Im sure you will all be in for an interesting ( to say the least) treat. So without further ado here are some roughs- studies and pages.
Oh yeah. these are all done on my cintiq. no paper
Mandrews out

Okay so you twisted my arm. i'm just in the preliminary stages of figuring out this short story for AFTERWORKS 2- its going to be an anthology by a lot of very very very talented artists- then me. And... Its all going to be in color. Since I knew poop about color Im sure you will all be in for an interesting ( to say the least) treat. So without further ado here are some roughs- studies and pages.
Oh yeah. these are all done on my cintiq. no paper
Mandrews out

Cool sketches, I can't wait to see the final product!
Love the energy that your work always has in it!!
just read your response it was nothing to add u I should have done it before this. I just love to see people your self with all the love and energy for art and life your REAL and that's the best kind if you ask me. i hope to continue to learn from watching your work, as time passes by maybe one when my passion eqauls my skills we might met and destroy the world with our awesome love for life and art that is life!!
Brian Growe--- Me to brian me too. I'm comitted though.
St John Street----Thanks man- I love your sentiment but im more of a world building kinda guy not world destroying. So lets someday meet and BUILD a world- with lots of kick ass robats and explosions and shit.
Paolo Pace----Weeeellll, technically hes not IN the open hes on top of a mineret- so hes got the high ground hes got the whole of the structure for cover and the marines well... they can t get him but he can get them.... however you are right because the F-18 is gonna get the sniper. heh heh.
The wacom cintiqs have come down in price so it only cost me a few fingers.
yeah man, nice pages! i like the flow and movement.
we just started using the cintiqs at work for boards and i also just got my pc tablet yesterday. man that thing is awesome. now we can all stand around and toss our pencils in a fire while sining songs and holding hands.
jk, im still a pecil and paper guy at the end of the day, theres only so much computer drawing my eyeballs can handle.
OV!---- that will all change Ovi, soon you to will join the dark side muho Haa ha ha ha ha!!!!
Mandrews out
hey Mark your right let's not destroy but rebuild when ever your ready just get me a shout I'd work for you any day. Finish the project so I can see the end result. ps if have some time check out my life drawing blog at
if u have the time of course take care and all the best again
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see, the only part that sucks is that i cant watch movies and draw at the same time, unless of course you have a duel screen set up, which i dont. we need our first hit film to upgrade to that. Knight is only throwing down so much money.
GREAT! Can't wait to see another book out of you! Colossus was terrific!
St John Street--- But of course!
ov!---- I've been there man. Hang in there
UrbanBarbarianĀ ----Thank you . of course anther book is a long time coming but a short story...... that should maybe tide you over.
Mandrews out
That'll work!
Very nice sketches!
Really good roughs nontheless. ;) Keep those goodies coming!
John S. here under a new name! These are awesome!!
I too have joined the Cintiq brigade!! I love it! You are a true inspiration, man. I'm about to start my graphic novel...on my Cintiq! And you are partly responsible!
great stuff guy
Hey mark, You remember me? Just wanted to say hello and your blog's great. Good to see you're still in your element-drawing cool swat guys, knights fighting evil things and messin around with jetfighters! Come back to L.A. we miss ya!
Alina Chau--- thank you
Sandra Khoo--- Thank you I will.
RoboTaeKwon-Z----Nice Name!!! Welcome to the cintiq club, now get to work no more lame excuses- heh heh
Jenny--- Thank you 'Lady' Love+ cintiq= bitchen ass comic
chris chua--- Hey yeah I remember you. Thanks for popping buy, glad you like the stuff. I will always have a closesness to swat guys army dudes big guns mech and knights fighting evil... its just who I am no excuses. Come back to LA??? are you nuts!!!! Its too HOT!!!! but never say never.
Mandrews out
Wow! great sketches!! I can't wait to see more! thanks for posting these.
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