Europe Connection
Hello all, Just wanted to put this up. Its a pin up for some German friends of mine for their comic ( actually scketch book of the comic) Chronique des immortels by Thomas von Kummant and Benjamin von Eckartsberg. If you dont have it get it.
Oh yeah by the way Colossus now available via PAYPAL get your today!!!!!
Things at work are heating up again and Louis Gonzales is busily working on an E-ville press web site so watch for it.
all for now
mandrews out
Oh yeah by the way Colossus now available via PAYPAL get your today!!!!!
Things at work are heating up again and Louis Gonzales is busily working on an E-ville press web site so watch for it.
all for now
mandrews out

Christopher-- No problem, It was a very creepy note and I hope you come by this info by way of reading. good note.
mandrews out
Woah. Incredible stuff...
YAY!!!! I am soo excited now about buying Tales of Colossus! However am on a low of cash...I will keep saving.
That picture is pretty cool, and that was an interesting piece of critique by Chistopher.
Loved Colossus. Beautiful work! Can't wait to see what Louis has planned for the E-ville website. Look forward to your next project.
Sedyas----- thank you!
Luxo jr------thank you and keep saving Colossus is now avilable on line.
John-------Me to I cant wait for what Louie has planned. Have you seen his site? Awesome. I know E-Ville press will be as cool. As for my next work perhaps a small story in Afterworks2??????
Mandrews out!
Wow, it's when I see drwings like yours, it makes me want to live closer to the states just to be able to meet and learn from everyone there~
Over here's the animation industry is somewhat a bit lacking :D I just hope one day someone here's gonna make a damn good movie that'll give life to the animation business~
Or at least invite everyone from Pixar or Disney (or any other great production studios over there) to come over and give some talks XD
I'm saving some money to buy your book~ ^O^
Like your blog
love your blog!!! Colossus is kick ass, plus I saw you on a Starz commercial for The Incredibles last night, very cool.
Hadibi---- I didnt even know there WAS animation in Malaysia- we'll I hope there is more. it seems its the states that treat it like a buisness than anywhere else, even in Europe. And when its a business and it makes money and theres demand it gets done! Like Japan too I guess. So either you gots ta move to Japan or the states? I can't speak more on this but a heavy weight Comics label is interested in Colossus- so wait and you'll be able to get it from
Alina Chau---- Thank you Alina, Im glad you like it.
Jose Lopez---- on Starz huh .... oooohh Boy. I'm in for it now. They say the Camera puts on ten pounds. But hell who am I kidding Im a big Ham for the Camera in more ways than one!!!! POW
Hey Mark
Nice Blog man .....lots of dynamic stuff
alot of work man....but the sketch are really cool
thanks for posting the work....
Ok this is the last comment....but mann..really cool work I have to get the book.....
Benerdwalkin------ Thanks for cheking the blog out, Im glad you like it. And I will have to agree with you.... you HAVE to get the book. Yes oh yes.
Mandrews out
Paolo Pace--- Hey, thaks for sharing that info. lots of nasty things happening in the world, they just don't usually happen in the states. Exposure to such things I find on the web and mostly inadvertantly. And your right about things sticking in your head. Scary.
As for my Illustration- think of it as a freeze frame, the stoke so fast the spouting cables of blood would spurt in the next frame- Cheers
Mandrews out
I LOVE THIS ONE! Had to buy your Colossus book because of it!
UrbanBarbarian---- awesome. Enjoy.
Mandrews out
Great blog! I just discover it now!
I participate in this Skech book gallery, with the Chronics characters, too.
Thomy and Benjamin are two crazy good guys!
Sorry my english
All the best
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