Colossus is here

Welcome to my first Blog. That's right I am totally new to this. Anyway enough of the editorial, this blog is to commemorate the publishing of my graphic novel COLOSSUS. There may be fans out there who already have the book first published way back in 2000. But this is a new and improved COLOSSUS, filled with 100 more pages of story and a whole new gallery section by some of the best artists you have never heard of.
I will be at the San Deigo Comicon this summer with th erest of my compadres E-ville press. We'll have a booth and if you find us you will also find yourself ready to buy COLOSSUS, a COLOSSUS T-shirt and also original COLOSSUS artwork ( from the first book, the COLOSSUS redux was entirely created on the computer.) Anyway enough talking posted below are some sample pgs to wet your appitite. Feel free to comment and or contact me.

Great stuff boss, Its really cool to see how your changing and expanding stuff from the original version of Colossus. I appreciate you posting some many images of dudes getting body parts hacked off!
Mark, this looks great!
Dragons, medieval settings, and a sweet looking character with kick ass combat moves/weapons ... all the makings for an exciting comic adventure.
Hmm.. something tells me there's room for a future "Tales of Colossus" video game :-)
Billy- Thanks man I'll see you at the Con!
Gimpyeyes- Its all about the images man. I figure why talk about it when I can show it.
Bry- Thanks for the response. You'l get one brotha'
Elephantor- Jezzus on a jumpy stick?!!! I love it. And you'll have to read the book its packed with cow bell
Shiraz!- Video game huh? Lets talk heh heh. I'll reserve you a copy.
Kicks ass man. Great sketches, staging, spontanaeity. Good stuff
thanks Bobby i appreciate the feedback!
Charles- Thanks for the feedback, you going down to comicon? Make sure you stop buy the table and get a copy.
Hey Mark!!!
This looks great!
I'll try to make it down to the con this year.
Save me a copy! I'll pay full cover price!
jsanford- You got it , i'll keep my eyes out for you.
Ovi- thanks again for the props.
Looks great Mark!
I am using a Wacom Cintiq now and threw out all my paper and pencils.
The first Colossus was published by Scott Morse through Crazyfish I believe.
I will come by your booth and buy the book!
What booth are you at Mark?
Greetings from the Netherlands
chebaccapits- see you at CON man
stephan- Im glad you are doing what you can for the enviroment. the wacom is a great tool. I'll see you at comiccon. which booth exactly I dont know But I'll be there look for E-ville press- its a bunch of fellow artists I work with we'll be at two tables.
see you soon
OMG this looks fantastic. I am absolutely sold.
The only thing though, is the dialogue balloons. They don't look very professional. Otherwise, PHENOMENAL.
dryponder-thanks for the comment, and yaknow Im not a professional, and I aint trying to be. Just havin fun and sharing with the rest of the world. Besides, for me, my time goes into the image more than the ballons. Ballons are a nessecery evil.
Mbiv- I tip my titanic hat to you. Thanks for the comment
venam1- again thanks for the comment. I'll keep my fingers crossed..... NOT!
Shine- they get mail out there in New Zealand dont they? Give me an address!
This looks very solid. Reserve me a copy, though I can't make it to SDCC. Can I get it autographed?
Contact me through my blog:
Hey there Mark!
I absolutley love your work, and would love to get me a hold of the Novel but im one of your overseas followers, here in the UK and theres little or no chance i can make it to the con, anyway i can get a copy another way!?
Love what your doing and if you have some time or want to see what your fans get up to check out my blog to see what kind of art i do! lol ;)
Mush-- thanks for the comments. get me an address and I can get you a book. or ( and this goes for everyone overseas or elsewhere in the states) I will be getting a link set up so you can purchase Colossus on line. So keep checking the blog for updates.
Shine- thanks for the reports I will check them out. Comicon was wild, although a little underwhelming. Me and the E-ville guys had a good flow at our tables but nothing overwhelming or crazy like I had anticipated. We sold well though. As for continuing to make more comics????? If theres a story buring a hole in my pocket I will.
WHOA!! I love your style!! Looks like an awesome comic!
hmm... no purchase link at e-ville...
And I want this book! When will the lowly European market be endowed with this stuff!?
Paulsketch---- Thanks. If you'd like a copy Im selling them on line if you got a paypal account.
David Maas----- Like I mentioned to Paul above, you can get one on line- just click on the button fill out the form make a paypal account and voila' your very own copy. I am currently looking into distributers but you may have to wait awhile to see it show up in Europe!
Mandrews out!
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