Yeah.... I game! so what
I've said it before so I'll say it again- Gaming is such a rich resource to inspire the imagination. In fact its THE BEST. anyway heres some characters I did for a superheros campaign I ran several years ago. Rule number one DONT DO A SUPERHERO CAMPAIGN. It was fun and all but its a big pain in the ass. any gaming in modernday is well kinda crappy. Why? Because we know to much so the convention of suspension of disbelief is out the door. Fantasy even sci fi works the best.
Images below inspired from the game.
These guys are the Instructors at the Academy. They help you train and develop your powers. No they don't have any powers of their own...or do they?

Bad guys- everyone below is a super villian the characters had to fight. Some have super powers and a couple ( you'll pick 'em out) are genenticlly designed ala Dr. Moreau.
And then theres my Dr Doom tribute villian.
Mandrews out

Images below inspired from the game.
These guys are the Instructors at the Academy. They help you train and develop your powers. No they don't have any powers of their own...or do they?

Bad guys- everyone below is a super villian the characters had to fight. Some have super powers and a couple ( you'll pick 'em out) are genenticlly designed ala Dr. Moreau.
And then theres my Dr Doom tribute villian.
Mandrews out