At least thats what I'm hoping. I could find myself easily doing twenty some odd pages of two Samurai fighting with bows at close range from horse back but why? Its gratuitous. So I will hone down the fighting to a poetic six pgs.
below is a rough for one panel and the completed pg 9.
Mandrews out

below is a rough for one panel and the completed pg 9.
Mandrews out

Wow, I'm loving those compositions!
Really nice stuff Mark. The shadow in panel 3 is really clever.
I like your choices in composition. In particular the panel of the warriors looking on at the duel. It really adds to the feeling of both tension and a slow down of time before the big moment of impact!
ohhhh, looking good Mark!
'Poetic' is absolutely the right word. Keep 'em coming!
Nice cam shots.
J------- Thanks man. Its nice how that one worked ut.
Rob a.------- Cool man. thanks for the comment. I moved that panel around and decided to put it right there. It felt good for th eflow and also if this was actually shot, it felt right to see the duel from that point of view right when they began the charge. Almost like holding off or milking the inevitable.
Dave--- roger that
Rohit---- Been reading a lot of samurai poetry. trying to reflect that in the images. an apprapo word.
balkandude---- thanks man. more to come.... I hope.
Mandrews out
Nice work, Mandrews. Your shots are awesome!
these are SICK.
These are Awesome!
Aw man,
I love the samurai so much. Really cool work!
Did you know that the samurai originally started out with bows and straight swords? Later on they used katana's, instead of their straight swords. In theory they said that they only had to draw once for the deathblow. And a civilian samurai would never leave their home without their katana hanging on their belts.
If you want to know more ( but you probably do already ) please ask!
Looks like this is going on next year's Christmas List!!!
awesome!! ahem...I'm still waiting for the giant robot to come in:)
TSM------ thanks man. you're not so bad yourself.
OV!------- thanks dude.
Joe Henderson------thanks man
Stephan-------thanks man. I see you to are a big fan of the samurai. I did know those things. Read Legends of the Samurai by Hiroaki Sato. Its awesome gets into debunking some of the legends and gets down to what the Samurai were really like.
UrbanBarbarian----- i hope you don't wait for christmas to get it. it'll be out this summer for CON.
chris chua-----Hey Man I still got nine pgs to go. Anything can happen
Mandrews out
Hey thanks for the tip! I'm gonning to read it!
Last summer I visited San Fransisco's Japan Town and I bought the book: Japanese Armor, the Galeno Collection. You should check it out if you haven't heard from it yet.
I also made a small samurai animation! Here's the link:
thanks again!
i just finished reading your Colossus book and i loved it! i can't wait for you to finish this new project, your work is very strong.
my favorite of the samurai directors is masaki kobayashi, if you havent seen his movies you should check em out
stephan-----I haven't seen that book. i'll check it out. another great book is Samurai- an illustrated history by Mitsuo Kure. its awesome. you should also read Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa its amazing.
George Cwirko-Godycki------ im glad you liked Colossus. Though this tale is not as long its fun, so ZI hope you like it as well. ill check out masaki kobayashi's movies. Thanks for the recomondation.
Mandrews out
specific movies by him to check out are
samurai rebellion
i'm sure i will love your new story a lot
Dude this page is so good I can feel it. And kudos on clearly and dynamicly staging and posing a samurai in full armor loading a bow on horse back . You make it look efortless yah bastard.
Lucky me, I popped on to see some porno from Sink Sink Socks post, which I am sure will be gone when Mark sees it for this is very upsetting. Let me take a couple more looks, before I get too upset.
Wow! Okay, I am back. That is some Sink Sink Socks Porno. Who has the fortune of such a good friend as Sink Sink Socks?
So on a less serious note, Mark love the galloping of the horses and the mud flinging into the air. Those small details add to the strength of the horses movement and the fight that will follow. I am really amazed by the drawings and how much you have done, and of course amazed by Sink Sink Socks Post.
SF Guild------ thanks for the report on Sink Socks. Now that I am more blogger program savy sink socks comments have been deleted forever. No more blogger spam!!!!!
furthur more..... thanks for the response and posting your critique. always appreciated.
Mandrews out
great suff !
i like that is very pure and unclutterd.
can i ask you - is this done in alias sketchbook ? how many layers do you typically end up with ? on that beautiful hsot with teh two guys oing target practice, i imagine there were many many.
do you play with the opacity a lot ? i really like what i see here and i hope to one day get my hands on a copy of colossus.
great suff !
i like that is very pure and unclutterd.
can i ask you - is this done in alias sketchbook ? how many layers do you typically end up with ? on that beautiful hsot with teh two guys oing target practice, i imagine there were many many.
do you play with the opacity a lot ? i really like what i see here and i hope to one day get my hands on a copy of colossus.
great suff !
i like that is very pure and unclutterd.
can i ask you - is this done in alias sketchbook ? how many layers do you typically end up with ? on that beautiful hsot with teh two guys oing target practice, i imagine there were many many.
do you play with the opacity a lot ? i really like what i see here and i hope to one day get my hands on a copy of colossus.
robert valley------- Nope! I work only on photoshop and my wacom cintiq. I do work with layers it makes life easier. a typical panel will have at least 20 layers I think. I break down most of the shapes then group them togtether or borrow and steaal for use in other panels. I plpay with opacity a little bit with the layers and with my brush for painting.
you can still get Colossus on line from barnes and noble or amazon. so get your today!
Mandrews out
mark !
this stuff is just great. are you using alias sketchbook pro ? im curious how many layers you might typpically end up with. im guessing its a lot.
sorry andrews, i posted the same question twice, because of teh lag between posting and when the comment shows up ... also, i manage the post of rob valley - you should go to his blog and have a look at pages from his new book, its fantastic - so i also posted teh same question twice by two authors.
but i serously thought you used alsias sketchbook. those pictures with the werewolves on the castle wall, in the forest - great, by the way - i thought they exhibited tell tale sketchbook flourishes.
you have some great panels in the art of the incredibles book, also. so EVERYTHING was drawn in photoshop ? that would explain your excellent use of colors in the samurai pics, but others posting here, i found photoshop brushes - although i love the look of some of them, especially the dry brush ones - to be just a bit to slow to sketch properly with 'em.
youre an inspiration !
Great epic sense of staging!
Hi Mark,
this is Benjamin from Germany (La Chronique des Immortels). It is great to see that you are doing a samurai story. Samurais go a long way:-)
By your choices of composition and color one can tell that you have a deep understanding of the topic.
Great work, canĀ“t wait to read the finished story.
Do you remember retelling the story of "Twighlight samurai" to us in Angouleme? I finally saw it last year and was totally taken away by this very realistic samurai hero. Thanks for the tip!
I hope you are well and in high spirits!
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