Tuesday, June 21, 2005

How'd you do it?

Hey metal heads! Just thought I would keep sharing with everyone how Colossus came to be.

The image above is the cover of the book done by the fabulous Dominique Louis! I am a big fan of his work and he so graciously agreed to honor my book with an original illustration.... done entirely on computer. So a big thanks and a big bow to Dominique!!!!

I dont know how many comicbook artists use the computer these days but thats all i used in creating this graphic novel. i use the computer all the time to do my work. Its true I've left the pencil and the comfort of paper behind but what I've lost is more than made for in flexability.

I work only with photoshop and I draw on a wacom cintiq ( its the kind you can draw right on the screen) most people ask me if there is any lag? The answer is NO! not really . If I draw really fast there is but it doesn't change how you draw. the cool thing about it is I never have to erase, you just grab it and delet, perfect, no smudges. I can also get as close to my drawing as I want without getting close, no more bending over the table. Saves the eyes. There are many more benifits that well out way what I miss about paper and pencil. Ah well Im a tech convert.

Not to say that classical illustration will be left in the dust.... no way... drawing in the classical way or even painting gives you a foundation that is priceless.

anyway enough rambling. I did the whole comic on the computer because it was fast and gave me way more flexability and control. the pages below will explain in a simple way how I did it.



Sunday, June 19, 2005

Colossus is here

Welcome to my first Blog. That's right I am totally new to this. Anyway enough of the editorial, this blog is to commemorate the publishing of my graphic novel COLOSSUS. There may be fans out there who already have the book first published way back in 2000. But this is a new and improved COLOSSUS, filled with 100 more pages of story and a whole new gallery section by some of the best artists you have never heard of.

I will be at the San Deigo Comicon this summer with th erest of my compadres E-ville press. We'll have a booth and if you find us you will also find yourself ready to buy COLOSSUS, a COLOSSUS T-shirt and also original COLOSSUS artwork ( from the first book, the COLOSSUS redux was entirely created on the computer.) Anyway enough talking posted below are some sample pgs to wet your appitite. Feel free to comment and or contact me.