Journey to BARSOOM
Now the John Carter (of MARS) is out on the big screen I think its time to finally show what I have been doing. Besides being the Co writer Second unit director on the movie I got to help visually develop the project from the beginning. So here are some of my first concepts for the THARKS.
Andrew Stanton and I had always seen them as native like, masai, aboriginal-esque warriors. Tall, sinuey, no body fat, elegant. I incorporated armor, since they were warriors, they would have some protection. It would be more ornamental like (yet functional) made out of metal scavenged from the wastes of Barsoom. I even gave them shields to be used as portable Pavise to provide cover while shooting their long rifles.
In the end we settled for Tharks that were more primitive. But thats what VIZ DEV is. exploring the possibilities. and its always a fun Journey.

And this..... was my first idea for a Thern. Crazy! But being that we made them Shapeshifters ( ala their technology ) who knows what the really look like. I guess we'll need a second movie to find out. Man we had big plans for the continuing tales of Carter on Barsoom. But who knows.....
Andrew Stanton and I had always seen them as native like, masai, aboriginal-esque warriors. Tall, sinuey, no body fat, elegant. I incorporated armor, since they were warriors, they would have some protection. It would be more ornamental like (yet functional) made out of metal scavenged from the wastes of Barsoom. I even gave them shields to be used as portable Pavise to provide cover while shooting their long rifles.
In the end we settled for Tharks that were more primitive. But thats what VIZ DEV is. exploring the possibilities. and its always a fun Journey.

And this..... was my first idea for a Thern. Crazy! But being that we made them Shapeshifters ( ala their technology ) who knows what the really look like. I guess we'll need a second movie to find out. Man we had big plans for the continuing tales of Carter on Barsoom. But who knows.....

These are fantastic. Boy do I hope you get a shot at some more of them.
Just came across your blog. Great Characters! Inspiring!
These drawings are amazing!
These are great! I sure hope there is another John Carter film, I really enjoyed it and would love to see where you guys would take the story.
Finally got a chance to see John Carter and we enjoyed it thoroughly.
Second time this month we've seen "you"...first seeing the "First Look" for Brave, that was really neat, we're very much looking forward to that film. :)
Love your work as always, even if it means only getting a blog entry once every three years. ;)
This is really cool work! I loved the movie. Can't seem to find your old samurai work on your blog though. We talked about some samurai books some years ago. Ever thinking to get back on that saddle?
Saw John Carter over the weekend. I absolutely LOVED it, I haven't seen a movie I've enjoyed this much in a long time. Really hope Disney chooses to make a sequel. Thanks for posting the art, it's really cool!
Saw John Carter over the weekend. I absolutely LOVED it, I haven't seen a movie I've enjoyed this much in a long time. Really hope Disney chooses to make a sequel. Thanks for posting the art, it's really cool!
Congratulations on 'Disney-fying' Edgar Rice Burroughs great masterpiece story. His ghost should haunt you and your mediocre sell-out low-talent cohorts for the injustice you pixar punkboys did him. Maybe you Disney suck-ups should read the original novel before you tarnish a real artist's work.
Thanks alot,
Steve thanks for your comment. But I really don't understand it. I mean if you would have preferred we make the film with all the characters naked like in the story and the repeated story lines and the way there are confusing villains and moments with Martian farmers and how carter painted himself with berry juice to imitate redmen and the fact he had mind reading capabilities and the fact "green gas" sent him to mars with no explanation and the second time he goes there's no mechanic at all he just wishes to be back, and so on and so forth, I am very happy to disappoint you cause the books were far from perfect. Yes I read them
Loved them but they were written for children. The world he ERB created was not without it's flaws and you could not do that story verbatim to do it justice. We did not "Disney-Fi" it by any means we adapted it and kept with the character of Burroughs original tale. It was vetted with Dalton Burroughs, grandson and champion of all of his grandfathers work, who, by the way- loved it.
ERB would have been proud of this film for the simple fact his character and story had inspired someone to visually realize it beyond the tired and repeated schoonover and frazetta art. To make his world authentic and come to life was his dream come true and I'm proud to have been an integral part of that.
Just saw "Brave". Absolutely phenomenal work. Haven't felt this good about a Pixar film since The Incredibles. Congratulations, Mark!
You got blog-burned Steve Wayne
Some people just don't understand the concept of adaptation. No one is replacing the books, no one is replacing what you felt reading them. You liked the film and the book? GOOD! You liked the book better? That's ok! Read it all you want!
People complain that some film adaptation of comics and books "rape their childhoods" and to me that's idiotic, your childhood is long gone and its not going to change just because someone showed the world their own take of something that existed already.
Different mediums
dude these drawings are really cool! i hope they let you do another one man!
Sorry if my comment as nothing to do with these artworks (which are great anyway), but I don't know where write it ...
First of all, i'm french, and I just saw the movie "Brave" directed by Mark Andrews and I can tell that this is the kind of movie that I want to see more, with powerful ideas that i think no every critics understood in France ... and from my opinion, they are no to be listened ...
I think you are doing a great job, and it is so much fo me to see that they are people still believing ...
Thanks for beeing there, and I hope wi'll see you directing another movie very soon !
PS : the only little detail that looks forgotten (for me) is the crown of the queen at the end of the movie ... i feel that it could have been re-introduced, especially in the great idea of a "nature restored" ... well this is the way I understand that ...
Hey, that's just an idea !
PS2 : please excuse my bad english !
Sorry if my comment as nothing to do with these artworks (which are great anyway), but I don't know where write it ...
First of all, i'm french, and I just saw the movie "Brave" directed by Mark Andrews and I can tell that this is the kind of movie that I want to see more, with powerful ideas that i think no every critics understood in France ... and from my opinion, they are no to be listened ...
I think you are doing a great job, and it is so much fo me to see that they are people still believing ...
Thanks for beeing there, and I hope wi'll see you directing another movie very soon !
PS : the only little detail that looks forgotten (for me) is the crown of the queen at the end of the movie ... i feel that it could have been re-introduced, especially in the great idea of a "nature restored" ... well this is the way I understand that ...
Hey, that's just an idea !
PS2 : please excuse my bad english !
Absolutely loved the designs in John Carter. It's always so inspiring to see the concept work behind the finalized projects!
Just thought I'd pass this along to you. You probably already know. Anywho...
"John Carter and the Gods of Hollywood"
Superb work !!!!
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